06-09-2020 Fledgling update


It has been hard to sit down and provide an update because the juvenile falcons have kept us on the run. The fourth chick fledged about 24 hours after the others.  (It is difficult not having band numbers or names this year to refer to).  He disappeared for a while but was found later that day (June 6).  He flew and perched on a railing on the 5th floor of the parking ramp facing several good rooftops he could fly to.  Instead, he hopped into the parking ramp.  After watching several failed attempts to get out (parking decks are confusing for all of us), I gave him a hand by carrying him up to the top of the ramp and gave him a fresh start.  His flights were not stellar and the next morning he was on the sidewalk on Portage Street.  (You know the day is off to a good start when you round the corner to find two volunteers standing in Portage Street with towels).  He flew low across the street and landed on a second-floor window ledge and snoozed for a couple hours before a weak attempt to fly ended up on the ground again followed by another low scuttle across Portage Street.  Gail won the final round of Catch-the-Falcon and he was off to join his sibling in rehab.  One of the two remaining juvenile falcons is a good flyer and has made strong, high, and long flights and the landings are getting better.  He disappeared for about 24 hours but was spotted later today and then flew back to the 5/3 building. The other juvie does not yet have the confidence to fly much.  She has made short flights with easy landings on roofs but so far is reluctant to fly far.  She holds out her wings and gets some air but when her feet lift off, she quickly tucks her wings and stays put.  Hopefully, she will get past her hesitation and develop her skills soon. Rebecca has been very testy and has shown aggression to workmen on the neighboring roof and even to people on the parking ramp when a juvie has been close.  It is clear that she does not want anyone near the chicks.


Tags: Kalamazoo Peregrine falcons. Peregrine falcon fledgings