3-12-2020 Spring is in the air


It is time to get caught up on the latest from our favorite feathered characters.  Rebecca and Kewpee have been here all winter and have visited the nest box regularly, even in the snow. They know that it is spring and they have renewed their bond by visiting the nest box frequently and creating a scrape in the gravel and have been seen mating.   As you may have noticed (or not), the parapet camera malfunctioned during the fall and winter.  Moisture had gotten inside the camera and the image was quite hazy.  This camera had been out in the weather about six years and was way past its warranty and needed to be replaced.  The technicians from Integrated Smart Technologies braved the expected reaction from the birds and got a new camera installed on March 6.  The peregrines are defending their territory very aggressively at this time of the year and we used a large umbrella to deflect the blows to the workers (yes – they did get hit).  The important goal was to keep all birds and humans safe.  Rebecca settled down and watched the activity from the parapet ledge multiple times and did not seem agitated.  That is, until she took off in flight and went into attack mode again!  Despite the close supervision from Rebecca, the camera replacement was a success and now we have a new camera with a sharp image and wide view. 

Since the birds have been mating, we expect to see eggs soon.  In the previous four years, the first egg has been laid between March 16 and March 22.  So, stay tuned!

Tags: Kalamazoo Peregrine falcons. Peregrine falcon cam