Kalamazoo Peregrine falcons. Peregrine falcon cam

06-09-2019 All three juvies have fledged


Forgive the delay in sharing the news. I will give you a rundown of the last two days.

Tags: Kalamazoo Peregrine falcons. Peregrine falcon cam

Falcon Flying School Starting Soon


What to do if you find a young falcon on the ground.

Tags: Kalamazoo Peregrine falcons. Peregrine falcon cam

03-28-2019 The third egg arrives!


The third egg arrived in the early morning on 03-28-2019!

Tags: Kalamazoo falcons, Kalamazoo Peregrine falcons. Peregrine falcon cam

03-24-2019 The Second Egg Arrives


The second egg arrived early in the morning on 3-24.

Tags: Kalamazoo Peregrine falcons. Peregrine falcon cam

Peregrines in Winter

Kewpee and Rebecca visit the box in the snow

Rebecca and Kewpee have weathered our crazy winter weather again this year.

Tags: Kalamazoo Peregrine falcons. Peregrine falcon cam

10.25.2018 Fall Clean up

10-25-2018 Rebecca and Kewpee react to fall clean up

At the end of the active breeding and family rearing season, long after the young falcons have left for their own adventures, the area around the nest box needs a good housekeeping visit.

Tags: Kalamazoo Peregrine falcons. Peregrine falcon cam

07-09-2018 Juvenile Update


The young Peregrines continue to thrive and are still seen soaring over downtown.

Tags: Kalamazoo Peregrine falcons. Peregrine falcon cam