peregrine falcon video cam

05-28-2017 One Month Old!


The Kalamazoo Peregrine falcon chicks are now just over a month old.

Tags: Kalamazoo peregrine falcons, peregrine falcon chicks, peregrine falcon video cam

04-25-2017 The first chick


Yesterday morning we spotted the first pip in an egg – a small hole that the chick created with its beak.  That egg hatched today

Tags: Kalamazoo peregrine falcons, Peregrine falcon nest, peregrine falcon video cam

04-18-2017 Defending the nest


Yesterday morning our resident peregrines were excited by the presence of a third peregrine falcon.

Tags: Kalamazoo peregrine falcons, Peregrine falcon nest box, peregrine falcon video cam

04-10-2017 Parapet camera is down


The Parapet camera has a loose connection and is not transmitting live feed right now.

Tags: Kalamazoo peregrine falcons, peregrine falcon video cam

03-26-2017 Four eggs!

Peregrine falcon eggs

Rebecca laid the fourth egg just before midnight on 3/25.

Tags: Kalamazoo peregrine falcons, Peregrine falcon eggs, peregrine falcon video cam

03-21-2017 Two eggs!


Rebecca laid the second egg early in the morning on Tuesday, 3/21/2017

Tags: Peregrine falcon, Peregrine falcon nest, peregrine falcon video cam

07-04-2016 Kalamazoo Peregrine falcon update


The young Kalamazoo Peregrines continue their training in downtown.  As they are roaming more, they are more difficult to see predictably especially midday. 

Tags: Kalamazoo Peregrine Falcon, peregrine falcon video cam, young peregrine falcon

The Kalamazoo Peregrines are on TV


Ron Foor, Community President of Fifth Third Bank and Gail Walter of the Audubon Society of Kalamazoo were guests on the Lori Moore Show

Tags: Kalamazoo Peregrine Falcon, peregrine falcon video cam

06-03-2016 Peregrine Falcon Update / Youngest Chick Rescued from Parapet


The plan was a predawn raid, aided by the cover of darkness, to rescue the Peregrine falcon chick that had fallen into the parapet

Tags: Kalamazoo Peregrine Falcon, Peregrine falcon cam, peregrine falcon video cam

Am I a Boy or a Girl?


In my blog posts, I often use pronouns of he, she, or s/he when referring to a bird.  In reality, I often don’t know for sure.  The gender of a falcon is recorded at the time of banding, based on size alone.

Tags: Kalamazoo falcons, peregrine falcon video cam